I love waiters.
Not waitrons.
That WORD is bad.
It sounds like automaton.
Way too clinical.
And way too PC.
Not waitrons.
That WORD is bad.
It sounds like automaton.
Way too clinical.
And way too PC.
Yesterday we went to the Spur in Pinelands.
To watch tennis. Whatever.
I was informed by one of the waiters at the Cincinnati Spur, Pinelands, that the owner is way too tight-arsed to repair the TV.
Let me explain:
In the smoking section, which is where we sat (since we are all smokers) there are two ANTI-THEFT brackets - both of which are meant to have television sets mounted on them - for the patrons to watch.
One of the anti-theft brackets is empty. I must assume that the TV was stolen.
The other houses a non-functional TV. As it has done for some months.
There ARE other TV sets - that work - but they are all in the NON-SMOKING section.
When we suggested that the TV be repaired, the waiter informed us that: "the owner (of the Spur) would NEVER spend money on that! He wants to keep it all."
We requested Vodka Shots (chilled - how else do you serve them?) or Tequila Shots (chilled - how else do you serve them?) - and were informed that although the staff had, on numerous occasions, requested that these products be kept refrigerated - their request was denied.
We assumed that this is so as to save money.
For the owner.
Warm Tequila : Not Nice.
But we drank them anyway.
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